Training in Systematic Instruction
Dr Mark Kilsby and Julie Allan

Dr Mark Kilsby
Mark was a Senior Research Fellow at Cardiff University and has been involved in the research and development of Supported Employment since 1990. During this time he acquired a PhD in Psychology on the use of self-determination in supported employment. His other research has led to publications relating to supported employment, alternative day services and the transition of teenagers with a learning disability from school into work. He has also been involved in the development and teaching of a Post Graduate Diploma, as well as an online NVQ level 3 Diploma and Certificate in supported employment. Mark has also developed learning materials for educational and training courses within SE in the UK and overseas including the development and delivery of Training in Systematic Instruction courses since 1991. He is now self-employed and is enjoying working closely with a number of local authorities and services to help them to develop, cost and plan their supported employment provision. Mark has delivered hundreds of TSI courses dating back to 1991 and feels passionate about its potential as a highly practical and proven method for supporting vulnerable people.
Julie Allan
Julie has been engaged as a leader and practitioner in the field of Supported Employment in Canada for over thirty-five years. During this time she has established a national and international reputation as a practitioner and innovator in the field. She developed and founded the Youth Supported Employment Project model in Alberta Canada, which she designed out of her knowledge and passion for Social Role Valorization. The project has proven successful, and Julie has been instrumental in establishing and consulting for similar projects in the USA, Canada and the UK and Europe. Julie has an established reputation as an advocate for the rights and full inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of living and has worked closely with family based community organisations. Julie’s reputation has led her to make numerous keynote speeches at major conference venues and she has been actively involved in values-based training for service organisations for nearly three decades. Julie is a founding member of the Canadian association for Supported Employment and is a partner in the firm of Kilsby & Allan, a UK Consultancy that specialises in research, evaluation, consultation and education in the field of Supported Employment.