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Our Written Work

Below is a list of some of our projects and articles. Please feel free to download where there is a link available.  

Recent Projects

Kilsby, M., Beyer, S. and Allan, J.  (2020) An Independent Financial Costs: Benefits Analysis of the Well@Work Project. (for supporting employees with mental health and/or musculoskeletal conditions who are at-risk of losing their employment due to ill health, to retain their jobs). 


Kilsby, M., Allan, J. and Beyer, S. (2018) An Independent Quality Assurance Review of the Services Provided by Jersey Employment Trust. 


Kilsby, M., Allan, J. and Beyer, S. (2015) An Independent Financial Cost Benefit Analysis of Gloucestershire County Council’s Supported Employment Service.


Kilsby, M and Allan, J (2014) Building upon the ‘Assisted Apprenticeship’ Project (A.A.). On behalf of The National Apprenticeship Service and Kent County Council Skills and Employability Team.


Kilsby, M and Allan, J (2012) Independent Review of the Vulnerable Learners Apprenticeship Project. Kent County Council.


Kilsby, M and Beyer, S (2011) A Financial Cost:Benefit Analysis of Kent Supported Employment -Establishing a Framework for Analysis. Kent County Council.


Kilsby, M (2010) The Cost Effectiveness of Mencap Derbyshire’s Supported Employment Programme. Derbyshire County Council.


Kilsby, M (2009) Redressing Under-representation through Re-skilling and Active Liaison (RURAL) -A Report on the RURAL Project developed by Agoriad Cyf, Gwynedd, North Wales - 1st January 2007 to 30th of June 2008.


Kilsby, M (2009) A Response on Behalf of the British Association for Supported Employment to the DWP consultation document "Improving Specialist Employment Services for People with Severe Disabilities.


Allan, J and Kilsby, M (2008) Developing a Youth Volunteer Project utilising peer support in Merthyr Tydfil. Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council.


Kilsby, M and Allan, J (2007) Review of the Youth Supported Employment Project. Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council


Kilsby, M and Beyer, S (2007) Research Report on the Promoting Independence Project. Welsh centre for Learning Disabilities, Cardiff University.


Kilsby, M and Allan, J (2007) Research Report on the Accessibility of Easy Read Formats for People with Learning Disabilities. SHAW Trust.


Beyer, S and Kilsby, M (2006) Researching the effectiveness of Transition Policies for Youth with Learning Disabilities in the Borough of Newport. Newport Learning Diusability Services, Newport Borough County Council.


Allan, J and Kilsby, M (2006) Review and Recommendations for Modernising Day Services for People with Learning Disabilities in Merthyr Tydfil. Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council.


Kilsby, M (2006) Evaluation of The Supported Employment Survival Guide for SCOPE.


Kilsby, M (2006) Evaluation of the Diploma and Certificate in Supported Employment offered by Norman Mackie and Associates.


Kilsby, M (2005) Review of Contracting Between Elite Supported Employment Service and Bridgend Social Services. Bridgend County Council.


Kilsby, M (2005) Report on Merthyr Tydfil Day Services for People with Learning Disabilities and Mental Health Problems. Merthyr Tydfil Borough County Council.


Kilsby, M (2005) Evaluation of the effectiveness of Supported Employment Agencies- the Supported Employment Process and Outcome Database (SEPOD), funded by Department of Health/ by Welsh Office of Research & Development as part of Evaluation of the All-Wales Strategy contract.


Peer Reviewed Articles and Chapters

Kilsby, M. & Beyer. S (2002) Increasing Self-determination in job matching – An intervention study Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 17, 2 125 - 135


Kilsby, M., Bennert,.K. & Beyer, S (2002) Reducing job seeker acquiescence in Vocational Profiling Procedures, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 17 4, 287-299.


Kilsby, M. & Beyer, S. and Allan.J (2001) Report on the Youth Supported Employment Project in England and Wales. MENCAP. Swan courtyard, Birmingham B261OU


Beyer, S, Kilsby, M. & Shearn, J. (1999) The organisation and outcomes of supported employment in Britain, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 12, 137-146.


Beyer, S. & Kilsby, M. (1998) The costs and benefits of two supported employment agencies in Wales, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.


Kilsby, M. & Beyer, S. (1997). Comparing Support, Llais, 44, 12-15.


Beyer, S. & Kilsby, M. (1997) Supported Employment in Britain, Tizard Learning Disabilities Review, 2, 6-14.


Beyer, S. & Kilsby, M. (1997) The Future of Supported Employment for People with Learning Disabilities, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 24, 134-137.


Kilsby, M. & Beyer. S. (1996) Approaches to supported employment, Llais, 41 12-18


Beyer, S. Goodere, L. and Kilsby, M. (1996) Costs and Benefits of Supported Employment Agencies: Findings from a National Survey. Employment Service Research Series, No. 37. London: Stationery Office.


Kilsby, M. & Beyer, S. (1996). Engagement and interaction: A comparison between supported employment and day service provision. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 40 348-357


Kilsby, M. and Beyer, S. (1996) Engagement and interaction: A comparison between supported employment and ATCs. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 6, 141-153.


Kilsby, M and Beyer, S. (1996) Supported Employment a full or part-time service? Llais, 36, 9-13 Beyer, S. and


Kilsby, M. (1996) The Future of Employment for People with Learning Disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 24, 134-137.


Beyer, S. & Kilsby, M. (1996) A Good Job. Community Care, 29th Feb, 8.


Kilsby, M and Beyer S. (1995) Supported employment - the fragile truth, Llais, 32, 20-23


Kilsby, M. & Beyer, S. (1994). Report on the Progress of Pathway Supported Employment Service in Blackwood. Pathway Supported Employment Service Gwent.


Beyer, S. Kilsby, M. and Lowe, K. (1994). What do ATCs Offer? A Survey of Welsh Day Services. Mental Handicap Research, 7,16-40.


Beyer, S. Kilsby, M. and Willson, C. (1995). Interaction and engagement of workers in supported employment: A British comparison between workers with and without learning disabilities. Mental Handicap Research, 8, 137-155.


Felce, D. Beyer, S. and Kilsby, M. (1993) Day services for adults with learning disabilities: Changing policies and the evolution of service design. In D. Robbins (Ed) Community Care: Findings from Department of Health funded Research 1988-1992. London: HMSO.


Felce, D., Grant, G., Todd, S., Ramcharan, P., Beyer, S., McGrath, M. Perry, J., Shearn, J., Kilsby, M. and Lowe, K. (1998) Towards a full life: Researching policy innovation for people with learning disabilities. London: Butterworth-Heinemann.


Lowe, K., Beyer, S. Kilsby, M. and Felce, D. (1992) Activities and engagement in day services for people with a mental handicap. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 36, 489-503.


Lister, T., Ellis, L., Phillips, T., O'Bryan, A., Beyer, S. and Kilsby, M. (1992). Survey of supported employment services in England, Scotland and Wales. Manchester: National Development Team for People with a Learning Difficulty

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