Training in Systematic Instruction
Dr Mark Kilsby and Julie Allan
Our Written Work
Below is a list of some of our projects and articles. Please feel free to download where there is a link available.
Recent Projects
Kilsby, M., Allan, J. and Beyer, S. (2015) An Independent Financial Cost Benefit Analysis of Gloucestershire County Council’s Supported Employment Service.
Kilsby, M and Allan, J (2014) Building upon the ‘Assisted Apprenticeship’ Project (A.A.). On behalf of The National Apprenticeship Service and Kent County Council Skills and Employability Team.
Kilsby, M and Allan, J (2012) Independent Review of the Vulnerable Learners Apprenticeship Project. Kent County Council.
Kilsby, M and Beyer, S (2011) A Financial Cost:Benefit Analysis of Kent Supported Employment -Establishing a Framework for Analysis. Kent County Council.
Kilsby, M (2010) The Cost Effectiveness of Mencap Derbyshire’s Supported Employment Programme. Derbyshire County Council.
Allan, J and Kilsby, M (2008) Developing a Youth Volunteer Project utilising peer support in Merthyr Tydfil. Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council.
Kilsby, M and Allan, J (2007) Review of the Youth Supported Employment Project. Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council
Kilsby, M and Beyer, S (2007) Research Report on the Promoting Independence Project. Welsh centre for Learning Disabilities, Cardiff University.
Kilsby, M and Allan, J (2007) Research Report on the Accessibility of Easy Read Formats for People with Learning Disabilities. SHAW Trust.
Beyer, S and Kilsby, M (2006) Researching the effectiveness of Transition Policies for Youth with Learning Disabilities in the Borough of Newport. Newport Learning Diusability Services, Newport Borough County Council.
Allan, J and Kilsby, M (2006) Review and Recommendations for Modernising Day Services for People with Learning Disabilities in Merthyr Tydfil. Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council.
Kilsby, M (2006) Evaluation of The Supported Employment Survival Guide for SCOPE.
Kilsby, M (2006) Evaluation of the Diploma and Certificate in Supported Employment offered by Norman Mackie and Associates.
Kilsby, M (2005) Review of Contracting Between Elite Supported Employment Service and Bridgend Social Services. Bridgend County Council.
Kilsby, M (2005) Report on Merthyr Tydfil Day Services for People with Learning Disabilities and Mental Health Problems. Merthyr Tydfil Borough County Council.
Kilsby, M (2005) Evaluation of the effectiveness of Supported Employment Agencies- the Supported Employment Process and Outcome Database (SEPOD), funded by Department of Health/ by Welsh Office of Research & Development as part of Evaluation of the All-Wales Strategy contract.
Peer Reviewed Articles and Chapters
Kilsby, M. & Beyer. S (2002) Increasing Self-determination in job matching – An intervention study Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 17, 2 125 - 135
Kilsby, M., Bennert,.K. & Beyer, S (2002) Reducing job seeker acquiescence in Vocational Profiling Procedures, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 17 4, 287-299.
Kilsby, M. & Beyer, S. and Allan.J (2001) Report on the Youth Supported Employment Project in England and Wales. MENCAP. Swan courtyard, Birmingham B261OU
Beyer, S, Kilsby, M. & Shearn, J. (1999) The organisation and outcomes of supported employment in Britain, Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 12, 137-146.
Beyer, S. & Kilsby, M. (1998) The costs and benefits of two supported employment agencies in Wales, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Kilsby, M. & Beyer, S. (1997). Comparing Support, Llais, 44, 12-15.
Beyer, S. & Kilsby, M. (1997) Supported Employment in Britain, Tizard Learning Disabilities Review, 2, 6-14.
Beyer, S. & Kilsby, M. (1997) The Future of Supported Employment for People with Learning Disabilities, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 24, 134-137.
Kilsby, M. & Beyer. S. (1996) Approaches to supported employment, Llais, 41 12-18
Beyer, S. Goodere, L. and Kilsby, M. (1996) Costs and Benefits of Supported Employment Agencies: Findings from a National Survey. Employment Service Research Series, No. 37. London: Stationery Office.
Kilsby, M. & Beyer, S. (1996). Engagement and interaction: A comparison between supported employment and day service provision. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 40 348-357
Kilsby, M. and Beyer, S. (1996) Engagement and interaction: A comparison between supported employment and ATCs. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 6, 141-153.
Kilsby, M and Beyer, S. (1996) Supported Employment a full or part-time service? Llais, 36, 9-13 Beyer, S. and
Kilsby, M. (1996) The Future of Employment for People with Learning Disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 24, 134-137.
Beyer, S. & Kilsby, M. (1996) A Good Job. Community Care, 29th Feb, 8.
Kilsby, M and Beyer S. (1995) Supported employment - the fragile truth, Llais, 32, 20-23
Kilsby, M. & Beyer, S. (1994). Report on the Progress of Pathway Supported Employment Service in Blackwood. Pathway Supported Employment Service Gwent.
Beyer, S. Kilsby, M. and Lowe, K. (1994). What do ATCs Offer? A Survey of Welsh Day Services. Mental Handicap Research, 7,16-40.
Beyer, S. Kilsby, M. and Willson, C. (1995). Interaction and engagement of workers in supported employment: A British comparison between workers with and without learning disabilities. Mental Handicap Research, 8, 137-155.
Felce, D. Beyer, S. and Kilsby, M. (1993) Day services for adults with learning disabilities: Changing policies and the evolution of service design. In D. Robbins (Ed) Community Care: Findings from Department of Health funded Research 1988-1992. London: HMSO.
Felce, D., Grant, G., Todd, S., Ramcharan, P., Beyer, S., McGrath, M. Perry, J., Shearn, J., Kilsby, M. and Lowe, K. (1998) Towards a full life: Researching policy innovation for people with learning disabilities. London: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Lowe, K., Beyer, S. Kilsby, M. and Felce, D. (1992) Activities and engagement in day services for people with a mental handicap. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 36, 489-503.
Lister, T., Ellis, L., Phillips, T., O'Bryan, A., Beyer, S. and Kilsby, M. (1992). Survey of supported employment services in England, Scotland and Wales. Manchester: National Development Team for People with a Learning Difficulty